Category: Cosmic Education

GLIMPS #823 From Childhood to Adolescence by Maria Montessori – summary

“From Childhood to Adolescence” is a book written by Maria Montessori that explores the developmental stages and educational needs of children from early childhood to adolescence. In this book, Montessori delves into her observations and experiences working with children, providing insights into their physical,… Continue Reading “GLIMPS #823 From Childhood to Adolescence by Maria Montessori – summary”

Organic learning …

Organic learning is a concept that emphasizes a natural, holistic approach to learning. The learning process is guided by the learner’s interests, experiences, and curiosity.  It encourages learners to explore and discover PM knowledge in a self-directed manner, rather than following a rigid curriculum… Continue Reading “Organic learning …”


I was wondering; to what point a teacher can tell a child, student that he/she is disappointed? Isn’t the ‘disappointment’ the privilege of the parent(s)? To what extend has a teacher the right to use this emotional state of mind to teach children? And… Continue Reading “Disappointment”



Education in Relation to Psychic Development

Education in Relation to Psychic Development If there will be a divorce between hands and the head, then there will be the head that suffers.”. You have to create a culture that they get a value (the adolescents). Animal is a body, in contrast… Continue Reading “Education in Relation to Psychic Development”

the human development and how nature assist this. These are the contributions of the first two planes and how they are apparent in The child you envision entering the third plane.

  Dr. Montessori has focused on the child from a holistic point of view. She considered the child, the human being as a being of greater purpose within the universe. Dr. Montessori stretched the difference between the human and the animal. It is clearly… Continue Reading “the human development and how nature assist this. These are the contributions of the first two planes and how they are apparent in The child you envision entering the third plane.”

Thoughts continued …

In a world of a technological way of living, where Internet shopping is the most convenient in our fast living world, I see it as our responsibility, the responsibility of the adults/teachers that we protect and preserve the true essence of education,… reading and… Continue Reading “Thoughts continued …”

I am one of them: Thoughts …

So why did I apply for the Global Teacher Price? Reading about the outstanding projects of the other candidates, I need to admit, that I do not have such a big project – yet (except my little bookshop). I am “JUST” a teacher. Sitting… Continue Reading “I am one of them: Thoughts …”

Where the magic happens …


So, Being in charge of taking care, so to say, making sure that everything is and shall be in an orderly and proper shape, does bring along various challenges…often it leads to non-thought-through decisions, fast executed actions and uncontrolled verbal outlets…not to speak of… Continue Reading “SO….”